Super direct, super sharp Non Duality

Confronting Reality.

That's the most direct path

The seeming personal self has to be unravelled. That is the direct path.

I just assume ‘I am’. I assume. I believe.

If there is ‘me’ is here, it shouldn't require an assumption or a belief.

It should be an absolute knowing. Start to challenge it to.

I believe I am here

I assume I am here

What you are we cannot say because it'll just be a label. That's why you can't talk about it.

Yet language it's all we've got

It does take some stillness, some steadiness just some questioning to consider what is happening. What is actually happening?

Instead of going to the mind to answer that question look, see. 

if you're conscious of the mind you can't be it. That is crystal clear.

All we have to do is to smash the illusion that it's ‘me’ that is ‘conscious of’, because it isn’t.

That's not to say that ‘conscious of’ is not happening

It is happening, but we give this point of consciousness the label ‘me’.

The ‘me’ is not conscious. 

That that is ‘conscious of’ is not the ‘me’.

 Now for this that is ‘conscious of’ to fully reveal itself you have to come to see what you are not. You just become more and more aware

 Things start to dawn on you. Just a dawning, not that there is anyone here responsible for the dawning as it occurs



Non Duality Self Enquiry


Non Duality Awakening