Super Direct Non-Duality: The Direct Path to Awakening and the Illusion of Self

Confronting Reality — The Direct Path

Confront reality. That’s the most direct path.

No philosophy. No concepts. Just the raw immediacy of what is.

The Personal Self: A Construct Waiting to Collapse

To walk the direct path, the seeming personal self must be unravelled.

  • Not healed.

  • Not improved.

  • Unravelled.

We live as if “I am” is unquestionably true. But pause and look:

  • Do you absolutely know that?

  • Or is it just an assumption? A belief?

If you truly are—why must it be believed?

Why must it be assumed?

Beyond Belief: The Unspeakable Real

What you are cannot be spoken. The moment it's labeled, it's no longer that.

And yet—we use language because it’s all we’ve got.


That’s all it takes to start seeing clearly.

What’s Actually Happening?

Instead of thinking about what’s happening—look.
Direct perception. Not mental analysis.

If you’re conscious of the mind,
You can’t be the mind.

That’s crystal clear.

What you are is prior to thought, not inside it.

Smashing the Core Illusion

Here’s where it gets razor sharp:

  • Consciousness is happening.

  • But we falsely claim: “It’s me who is conscious.”

That’s the illusion.

The me is not conscious. It’s not the subject.

That which is conscious of experience is not the “me.”

So What Is Aware?

For the truth of awareness to fully reveal itself:

  • You must clearly see what you are not

  • Awareness is not a personal achievement

  • It dawns—not to someone—but within itself

No one is responsible for the dawning.
It simply happens.

Like sunlight appearing over the horizon—not because anyone made it happen.

Final Words: Super Direct, Super Sharp

This path isn’t for collecting teachings.

It’s for obliterating the illusion of the separate self.

Stop assuming.
Start looking.
Let it dawn—without the need for a “you” to realise it.



Non-Duality Self-Enquiry: Awakening from the Waking Dream


Non Duality Awakening