Non-Duality Online Satsang
Terrence offers free live online group satsangs on Zoom every week, providing an opportunity to engage directly and explore unresolved questions about non-duality.
Book an Online Satsang
Satsang offers a sacred space to explore the true Self and uncover the profound joy and connection that naturally arise in its presence. It’s a gathering of open hearts and minds, where meaningful insights unfold, laughter flows effortlessly, and a deep sense of unity and belonging is shared. Come and experience the beauty of being in the company of truth.
This Satsang is offered freely to all. If you feel inspired to support the continuation of these gatherings and the sharing of wisdom, your donation is deeply appreciated. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps create more opportunities for growth and connection. Thank you for your generosity and presence.
All live group Satsangs are recorded.
Excerpts or full recordings of live group Satsangs may appear on Terrence's Facebook, YouTube or other social media sites for wider public viewing. If you do not wish your face to be recorded, just keep your microphone muted once the recording begins, after the initial greetings. You will get notice of this, just before the meeting gets underway.
Your Zoom name will appear in the meeting, but not in the recording even if you speak.
By attending a Satsang with Terrence, and speaking in the session, you consent to having your recorded image used in Terrence's social media platforms.
If you would like to purchase multiple online group satsangs at once, please email: enquiries@terrencestephens.com
Upon payment, you will receive an email with a Zoom registration link and a passcode.
Recordings can be purchased by non-participants, for US$9, through the Recordings page.
Non-Duality Guidance
Non-dual guidance on a one on one basis is for those who are strongly called to investigate their personal sense of self and awaken to their non-dual nature.
Non-Duality Satsangs
These online live non-duality group satsangs are for those who are ready to understand duality and the personal sense of self to then arrive to the reality of non-duality.
Upcoming retreat:
More information coming soon…