Non Duality Awakening
Everything in this phenomenal universe, anything that you can be aware of as a seeming object is a vibration of energy. Without space for this movement to occur, movement would not be possible. Even at the sub-atomic level there is space for movement of sub-atomic particles.
The illusion refers to the fact that things are not what we perceive them to be. Which is not at all surprising given the limited ability of the senses. There is simply space without which energy could not vibrate. The space itself is undisturbed, non-dual, yet the energy is very much dualistic, a movement of energy, and yet there is nothing solid about any of the energy.
There is something extraordinary about the manifest world, and yet we give no attention to what so ever. Space, without which there would be no manifestation. Awareness itself is space like, without which not even phenomenal space could arise.
When we come back to ME and what ME is, what do we have left? Simply thoughts, and they too are patterns of energy vibrating in the pairs of opposites, good bad, right wrong, love hate, me you, here there, etc. In order to be aware of something you must be separate from it, the subject and the object perceived. Which in fact means the object is not the observer. The so-called personal identity is nothing other than a particular pattern of thoughts, objective, which you are not creating nor can you stop. There is complete awareness of these two facts should you care to look.
Now, here’s what happens which is critical to see, the personalised pattern of thoughts says…I Am Aware. It is me that is aware of thoughts, my body, my feelings, my pain, and as a result of this assumption, we want to move away, reject, resist what is. The suffering is due to that which wants to move away, the so-called sufferer. Be still and stay with that which is, with complete abandon to that which wants to run, the runner is the sufferer. Be with that which is, unaltered, unmodified and uncorrected. What you actually are is this space like awareness. You are not the ME or that seemingly personalised pattern of thoughts. This is a fact but needs to be recognised for yourself, and the only way it can be recognised is by abiding in that sense of presence. Be that sense of presence, indeed, try not being that sense of presence, it’s impossible. This is simply a shift of attention. There is only one thing that can heal the illusion of an individual personalised isolated me and that’s presence awareness. The knowing of such.
Presence awareness is non-dual, there is no split in presence awareness. The split occurs when the personalised me steps in and claims ownership of the presence awareness. All thoughts that occur in the mind have nothing to do with you and should bare little interest compared to that non-dual presence awareness, your natural state.
There is no you as a doer, and you trying to resolve thoughts with thoughts is what keeps the illusion of self-alive. Turn away, there is something many times more beautiful to be seen. You must be prepared to abandon thoughts completely, and abide in that presence awareness, it is not an object, it is pure subjectivity, non-conceptual awareness, and you are THAT! Knowing.
What you are searching for you already are, this presence awareness, here-ness, aliveness. If it was anything other than that it would simply be just another thought idea or concept. Why is it so often said that what you are searching for you already are, “Here Now” There is nothing else other than this “Here Now”. The senses wide open with childlike wonderment of the magnificent world around you. Awaken from the dream, give no credibility to the content of the dream what so ever.
All I am doing is gently whispering in your ear that you are dreaming and yet whilst you’re dreaming it all seems very real. Absolutely no difference when you are asleep at night on your bed and dreaming is occurring. It all seems very real until you awaken from the dream in the morning. When you awaken you are absolutely awake compared to the dream. Your dreamed character in your dream can never know what it's like to be awake. In fact, when you wake up in the morning the dreamed character disappears and is seen for what it was, purely fictional, imaginary. Yet the dreamed character believes itself and the content of the dream to be real. The exact same thing is happening in the waking dream, you are dreaming and need to awaken from this waking dream and the quickest way for that to happen is to abide as close to the wakeful state as possible. In other words, abide as presence awareness and recognise the dream and the dreamed character…
Why do you think it’s called an awakening?