Non-Duality Self-Enquiry: Awakening from the Waking Dream
Everything in this phenomenal universe—anything that can be perceived as an object—is a vibration of energy. But energy cannot move without space. Even at the subatomic level, there is space in which particles arise and dissolve. Without space, no movement would be possible.
And yet, how often do we notice this?
The Illusion of Form and the Reality of Space
The illusion refers to the fact that what we perceive is not what truly is. Given the limited capacity of the senses, this shouldn’t be surprising.
What appears as solid or real is, in fact:
Merely a vibration within space
Completely dependent on awareness for its perceived existence
Lacking inherent solidity or separateness
While energy moves in duality, space itself is non-dual and undisturbed. It is this still, silent awareness that is overlooked.
Awareness: The Space in Which All Appears
There is something extraordinary about the manifest world—but we often ignore the most essential element: space. Without it, manifestation could not occur.
Awareness itself is space-like—silent, unmoving, without boundary
Even phenomenal space appears within awareness
This space is your natural state—prior to thought, identity, or form
Who—or What—is "Me"?
When we inquire into the nature of “me,” what do we actually find?
Opposites: good/bad, right/wrong, love/hate, me/you.
These are just patterns of energy, arising within awareness. To perceive anything, you must be separate from it—the observer apart from the observed.
The so-called personal identity is nothing more than a stream of thought patterns. You are not creating these thoughts, nor can you stop them. But you can observe them, and in that observation, you are free.
The Illusion of “I Am Aware”
Here’s what happens, and it’s critical to see:
The thought pattern identifies itself as the one who is aware: “I am aware.”
From there, it says: “This is my pain, my body, my story.”
This gives rise to resistance, rejection, suffering.
But suffering belongs to the one who wants to escape. That which resists what is is the source of struggle.
Be still.
Abide with what is—unaltered, unmodified, uncorrected.
The runner is the sufferer. The peace lies not in escape, but in remaining.
Presence Awareness: Your Natural State
What you actually are is this space-like awareness.
You are not the thought-created “me.”
You are presence awareness—always here, effortlessly now.
You cannot stop being presence
It is not a concept or object
It is pure subjectivity, non-conceptual, alive
Try not being presence. It’s impossible. The shift happens by gently turning attention toward the truth of now.
Thought Cannot Heal Thought
There is no "you" as a doer. Thought trying to fix thought is:
The very mechanism that sustains the illusion
The only “solution” is to abandon the story altogether—to turn toward what is infinitely more beautiful than thought:
Abide in presence awareness.
Not as an effort—but as a return to what has never left.
What You Are Seeking… You Already Are
Presence awareness is not a goal. It is your very being.
If it can be named or known, it’s just another thought
What is here now—awake, alive, alert—is the truth
It is the only reality not dependent on thought or time
Why do you think it’s called awakening?
Because, like a dream at night, the waking world feels real—until you wake up. And when you do, the dreamed self vanishes.
The Waking Dream and the Dreamed Self
While dreaming at night, everything feels real—until the moment of waking. Then, the dream and the dreamed character disappear.
Exactly the same is true here.
The “you” you believe yourself to be is the dreamed character in the waking dream.
You cannot awaken as that character—you awaken from it.
Your true nature is not something imagined. It is presence awareness itself.
Final Words: Abide as Presence
You don’t need to fix, heal, or purify anything.
You don’t need to become anyone new.
You simply need to abide as what you already are—and recognize the dream for what it is.
What you are searching for... you already are.
This “here now,” this aware presence—is it.
There is nothing more to seek, nothing more to find.