Practical, Radical

& Direct Non-Duality

1:1 Guidance and Live Online Satsangs delivered with warmth, compassion and humour.


Perhaps you have been seeking enlightenment or awakening for years or even decades. You’ve probably read dozens of non duality books, attended non-dual retreats, watched countless non duality gurus on Youtube videos and tried meditation and yoga and still found yourself spiritually wanting. You may have spent many years trying to find the answers to life’s biggest mystery:

Who -or what- am I?

While you may have had peak spiritual experiences, a non-dual glimpse, or deep profound moments of peace and stillness, deep down you know there is still this feeling of separation, isolation and disconnectedness along with fear and a sense of dread and hopelessness. Yet the calling is still strong.

What to do?

Non duality teachers are saying, there’s nothing ‘i’ can do. Yes it is hopeless for the ‘i’ which will never get this as there is no ‘i’ to get this and nothing to get. Yet the imagined ‘i ‘ still seems to be compelled to seek.

Confused and disillusioned we may find ourself stumbling head long into what seems further darkness and confusion commonly referred to as the dark night of the soul.

Finally, you are now in the right place

Two things need to be seen, the Illusion and the Truth. The Illusion is hysterical and worthy of a belly laugh and the truth is profoundly beautiful. Come and explore the beauty of your own Presence, awareness, and the joy and laughter that awaits you.

If you’re up for discovering true Self, and a belly laugh that naturally goes with it, come join us for Satsang and discover a profoundly beautiful group of beings where a deep sense of belonging is experienced. Alternatively, if you would prefer, at least initially to speak individually and in confidence, join me for one on one Non Duality guidance


Buddha at the Gas Pump

Terrence’s interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump.


Let’s talk Duality

 It would very much seem there is a sense of ‘me’ being present and in one respect that can’t be denied.

Of Presence there is no doubt, but is it my presence?

What is it that is being missed? Let’s take a look at what or whom is claiming ownership of Presence when we say ‘my’ Presence.

Who is the ‘my’ referring to?

The whole identity is based on conditioning and contained in memory as thoughts, and it is thoughts that say ‘I exist’.  

In the absence of thoughts do you disappear?

In the absence of thoughts, ‘who or what are you?’

There is a play of imagination.  That imagination is all based on whatever thoughts are appearing in the present moment, all contained in memory and it is memory that produces the so-called person. It is only thought that says ‘I exist as a separate entity’. It is only thought that says ‘I am the thinker of these thoughts’.

The real ‘You’ is not an object or separate thing

What we have is a particular pattern of thoughts claiming to be ‘you’ and that particular pattern of thoughts seems to be affected by other patterns of thoughts that arise. That, that we take our self to be, is merely a pattern of thoughts, a pattern of thoughts that we have no control over, whatsoever. This is just how the sixth sense plays out dualistically.

It needs to be seen for yourself that this so called ‘me’ entity is nothing but a pattern of thoughts, all programmed-in from the day thought began to be processed via language. That, that you think you are thinking or speaking, all comes from mind only, from thoughts, independent of ‘you’.

So, what to do?

There is absolutely nothing the so-called person or, so-called separate, independent, imagined ‘you’ can do. However, what is actually occurring can be re-cognized.

Come to see without any doubt what you are not.

Now, who am I referring to when I say that? Not the mind, not thoughts, but that, that you truly are, inexpressible, because who You really are is not dualistic, not of mind/thoughts, but actually the knowing of thinking, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Aware of all, knowing all, without any division.

No objectivity, no time, where life is spontaneously bursting into existence. With no name, no label, no here or there, no-thing. Inexpressible and yet beautifully whole.

Nothing can be said about it, hence, let’s talk duality.

Terrence is a non duality teacher delivering 1:1 guidance and live online non duality Satsangs and retreats to participants in Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, USA, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Canada, England, London, Scotland, Ireland, Brussels, France, Germany, Munich, New Zealand, Spain, India, Philippines and more.


  • Non Duality Guidance

    Non dual guidance on a one on one basis is for those who are strongly called to investigate their personal sense of self and awaken to their non dual nature.

  • Non Duality Satsangs

    These online live non duality group Satsangs are for those who are ready to understand duality and the personal sense of self to then arrive to the reality of non duality.