Practical, Radical & Direct Non-Duality

One-on-One Guidance and Complimentary Live Online Satsangs. A truth and fact-finding mission to your true nature.


Perhaps you have been seeking for years or even decades. You’ve probably read dozens of non-duality books, attended non-dual retreats, watched countless non-duality teachers on Youtube and tried meditation and yoga and still found yourself wanting. 

Who -or what- am I?

While you may have had peak spiritual experiences, a non-dual glimpse, or deep profound moments of peace and stillness, deep down you know there is still this feeling of separation, isolation and disconnectedness and yet the calling is still strong.

What to do?

Non-duality teachers are saying, there’s nothing ‘I’ can do. Yes it is hopeless for the ‘I’ which will never get this as there is no ‘I’ to get this and nothing to get. Yet the imagined ‘I’ still seems to be compelled to seek.

Confused and disillusioned you may find yourself stumbling head long into what seems further darkness and confusion commonly referred to as the dark night of the soul.


Two things need to be seen, the illusion and the Truth. The illusion is hysterical and worthy of a belly laugh and the Truth is profoundly beautiful. Come and explore the beauty of Presence, Awareness.

If you’re up for discovering true Self, and a belly laugh that naturally goes with it, come join us for Satsang and discover a profoundly beautiful group of beings where a deep sense of belonging is experienced. Alternatively, if you would prefer, at least initially, to speak individually and in confidence, join me for one-on-one non-duality guidance.


Get to know Terrence Stephens

An interview with Terrence Stephens exploring the essence of non-duality.

An introduction to non-duality.

  • Non-Duality Guidance

    Non-dual guidance on a one on one basis is for those who are strongly called to investigate their personal sense of self and awaken to their non-dual nature.

  • Non-Duality Satsangs

    These online live non-duality group satsangs are for those who are ready to understand duality and the personal sense of self to then arrive to the reality of non-duality.

  • Retreats

    Upcoming retreat:

    More information coming soon…